In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as acordarse and recordar, dividir and partir, terminar and parar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as parir and dar a luz, profesor and maestro, molestar and estorbar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as funcionar and trabajar, jugar and tocar, fin and final ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as mirar and ver, mostrar and enseñar, intentar and probar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.