Here you will learn basic Spanish idioms
Here you will learn Spanish proverbs, sayings and idioms in an advanced level, with examples of usage and exercises.
Here you will learn more Spanish proverbs, sayings and idioms, with explanations, examples of usage and exercises.
From football to drugs: here you will get to know real Spain, the Spain of the street. Through recorded texts and reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises, you will learn a lot about current Spanish culture.
Universities, offices, hospitals, schools: here you will get to know real Spain, the Spain of the street. Through recorded texts and reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises, you will learn a lot about current Spanish culture.
From gender violence to drugs: here you will get to know real Spain, the Spain of the street. Through recorded texts and reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises, you will learn a lot about current Spanish culture.
Customs, parties, holidays, everyday life: here you will get to know real Spain, the Spain of the street. Through recorded texts and reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises, you will learn a lot about current Spanish culture.
¿Quieres hablar español como los españoles? Entonces, ¡este curso es para ti! En unos podcasts muy divertidos te hablaremos de temas que nunca se encuentran en los manuales de español. Aprenderás a decir palabras tan básicas como "fácil" y "bonito" de forma coloquial. Pero también abordaremos las relaciones sentimentales, el sexo, las palabras tabú... ¡Anímate, ya verás qué divertido!
En este curso hablaremos de palabras especiales, difíciles de traducir o de comprender. Algunas nos aclaran conceptos importantes de la cultura española, mientras que otras se usan de manera particular.
El carácter de los españoles, las fiestas, las drogas... Escucha las entrevistas y haz ejercicios de comprensión y de léxico.
Este curso, que se irá completando con el tiempo, se compone de entrevistas enfocadas a importantes conceptos de la vida diaria, de la cultura y de la historia reciente de España.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as funcionar and trabajar, jugar and tocar, fin and final ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as mirar and ver, mostrar and enseñar, intentar and probar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as acordarse and recordar, dividir and partir, terminar and parar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.
In this course you will learn to differentiate similar words, such as parir and dar a luz, profesor and maestro, molestar and estorbar ... After each explanation you can do exercises in order to practice and memorize what you have learned.